Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Clash for the TITAN

Yep, so I finally got it. The truck that I have been wanting for the longest time. Okay, maybe it isn't exactly what I wanted, but I am happy with the compromise.

About 4 years ago, I worked at a Toyota dealership and, ever since, have wanted a Toyota Tundra. BEAUTIFUL least it was until Toyota decided to change the body style a few years back. So the other truck that I have had my eyes on was the Nissan Titan. And looky there, it's a Titan. And to be perfectly honest, this truck was a steal!! But it by no means was a simple purchase......too many obstacles to overcome. But I did overcome, and now that BEAUTIFUL Titan is sitting in my driveway (not in my garage, because its too big!!).

The title of my blog is a little misleading. There was a clash......two actually. But I won't bore you with the gruesome details of the purchase. But I will tell you, I put an offer down on the truck, and when they didn't take it, my wife made me walk away......even though it was still a stellar deal. And she put up with me getting mad when she wouldn't let me go back to get it......but 1 1/2 weeks later the dealership called me back and told me to come get the truck at my offer and so I did.

No, its not a NEW truck (2004 with 38,000 miles).....but new enough for me. And I think I will be content with it for least until the gas prices go up another dollar or so.

Anyway, I know I haven't written on this for a while and those that did read probably have given up on me.....but I wanted to brag and this seemed as good a place as any to do so.

If ya'll do want the details about the truck, post a comment and then maybe I'll include it in my next posting......and I promise it will be sooner than this one came!!


Quilting For Less said...

Yeah, well finally you wrote!! Even if it was about your truck! Well, you should be proud and especially proud of your wife for telling you that "Patience is a VIRTUE"!! It paid of, right?


Liz said...

Nice truck! Kudos to Amber!! Gotta love a bargain! Congrats!

Burgdogg said...

HAHA! What a girly truck! RED! Thats for GIRLS! Oh and your ranger was red that proves it you are a girly man! LOL!

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